Avogadro Corp Published (Plus, a Free Kindle Fire)

For those of you that haven't heard, after a two year journey, my novel Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears is published!

Avogadro Corp is a techno-thriller about the accidental creation of an artificial intelligence at the world’s largest Internet company, and the subsequent race to contain it, as it starts to manipulate people, transfer funds, and arm itself.

It’s available in paperback, for the kindle, and in epub format for a variety of other e-readers. 

If you've already bought a copy - THANK YOU! It means so much to me. 

If not, I hope you’ll buy a copy and enjoy it, or consider giving it as a gift to someone who loves techno-thrillers or science fiction.

The Next Step

Writing Avogadro Corp was incredibly fun, and the path to publication was a great learning experience. But now that it’s published, the next challenge I face is to help it rise above the noise of thousands of other books. 

Here’s just a few of the things that help a book get noticed: sharing it on Facebook or twitter, buying it or giving it as a gift, providing a review on Amazon, blog posts that link to it, emails to friends about it.

Anything you can do to help support my book would be tremendous!

Bonus: A Free Kindle Fire

If you don’t yet have a Kindle Fire and would like one for free, I’m giving one away. This is a thank you for all the feedback and help I received over the last six months. (As usual, I was inspired by Tim Ferriss to do this, and in fact won the Kindle Fire from Tim in his own book promotion contest.)
Here’s the deal:
  1. Spread the word in the next 7 days! Send people to this blog post or the Avogadro Corp page on Amazon. Here are some ideas: Facebook “like”, Facebook sharing, retweets, Twitter, e-mail, e-mail signature, blog posts, or a review if you’ve already read it. You can sing about it from street corners too, but this may get you funny looks.
  2. By 9am PST on Dec. 18 (next Sunday), leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you did. If possible, quantify the impact (clicks, page views, etc.).
I’ll consider the first 50 submissions, if I get that many, and from the 5 that I think did the best job (subjective, I know), I’ll pick one to receive the Kindle Fire. The 4 runner ups will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Void where prohibited, robots and artificial intelligences under 21 not allowed, no prize awarded if the AI apocalypse occurs before the contest ends, etc., etc. Winners will be announced next week.

Again, even if you don’t want the Kindle Fire, anything you can do to help promote Avogadro Corp is still awesome!


If you take this on, here’s a few links that might help:
Happy holidays!


Kate May said...

Ordered your book (plus one for my local library) and can't wait to read it. Happy to spread the word!

Steve said...

I posted on face book and a twitter with a mention of Steve Gibson @sggrc who is about to do an entire podcast on science fiction. I don't really have a following, but would love to win a tablet so I can give my wife my Kindle. Steve Gibson has a huge following and he is a Science fiction junkie. I just finished his last recommendation Zero Day. It was a good one.

Mike said...

I ordered the kindle version the day it was available, read it, and was the first to post a review on amazon. I just purchased 5 copies of the paperback version. I joined goodreads.com and set my current book to Avogadro Corp - I've retweeted your tweets (almost annoyingly - and by that I mean daily), and liked the book on FB several times. One of my friends took my FB advice, and read your kindle version - and sent me a review, and I got him to post it on amazon.
Great book Will! Go Avogadro! take over the world! (wait... :) )

GarenT said...

So Far.

Purchased the Kindle version and put it into my cloud-reader for download to my Touchpad and my daughters Kindle. Books that I place in my cloud-reader are pushed out to good-reads.

Posted a review on Amazon touting how great this book is to all that may read. This review currently has 8 "helpful" votes from active marketing by me. I sent this review to 10 people and received 8 responses within 3 days. Excellent response rate and I'll be following up with a larger group.

Tweeted about it on 2 different accounts. These 2 accounts have a combined 200 followers. It was re-tweeted by 2 of my followers.

Posted on Facebook to all my friends to see.

My 2 daughters are posting it to their facebook pages. Combined, this will be seen by over 1000 additional people. Both of my daughters are also posting to various college boards and FB sites.

Jason and Holly said...

Really excited Will. Can't wait to get a chance to sit down with it.

Thus far, I've mentioned/linked it on Google+, Tweeted, Facebook. Set it as my currently reading book on GoodReads, got the book for my kindle, and Liked it on Amazon.

Will continue to work on it ;)

Jason and Holly said...

Oh, and I ordered a paperback version as well. You have to have a copy of local authors on your bookshelf :)

GarenT said...

Update on my daughters posting of the book on Facebook. When daughter #2 posted it to be seen by her 400 friends, she got a fun response.

"His name looks like a chemist's name whom I had to memorized his number. 6.022X10^33
Crazy description 0.0"

So, being seen by lots of people and not just seen, but discussed. Hope it is helping.

Jackie said...

I bought a copy for myself and one to give for my family's white elephant gift exchange, hopefully to be received by on of the readers among my throng of relatives. I mentioned the book on Facebook a Facebook comments. I added the book to several Goodreads lists and tagged it appropriately on Goodreads where I have a handful of friends and am active. I also mentioned reading the book on twitter and linked that tweet to the goodreads page. I'd plan to finish the book and review on goodreads with a crosspost on amazon, but haven't finished quite yet.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much everyone! Your efforts have really helped Avogadro Corp get some wonderful exposure. I'll be contacting folks shortly about the Kindle Fire and Amazon gift certificates.

Unknown said...

It turns out i can't get your email addresses from your comments. Steve, Jason/Holly, and Jackie: Please send me an email at firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com.

William Hertling